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We all have strengths and talents, but they might be hidden, or maybe you're not applying them in the best way. Perhaps you are already successful in many areas, but want someone who is unbiased to check out your ideas? Maybe you need a few pointers or reminders to get you to the next level.

  • Do you want to have a better quality of life?

  • Are you looking for personal development or growth?

  • Are you interested in learning and practicing new skills?

  • Do you need guidance and help with accountability in areas of your life?

  • Are you interested in finding meaning or incorporating spirituality in your life?

  • Do you want a better life? Job? Relationship? or Health status?

  • Do you have goals but need help getting there?

  • Do you believe you could achieve success if you just had a little help?

  • Are you looking to improve your parenting skills?


As your personal coach, I will tailor sessions to your specific needs and provide guidance, support, information, and skill-building to help you achieve your goals. Personal coaching is useful for people who are seeking personal growth, an unbiased sounding board, help with identifying and achieving goals, and help with accountability to themselves as they work toward their goals. Personal life coaching can help you reach your maximum potential.


Coaching is also helpful for clients being proactive and taking steps to prevent a big problem from developing later on, then coaching services focused on skill-building may be the right service for you. It's helpful to learn skills ahead of time and address concerns when they are small, rather than waiting until the situation becomes an unmanageable problem.


Coaching is different than psychotherapy or counseling, and does not involve a diagnosis or specific treatment for psychological conditions or crisis intervention. Coaching is more directive than psychotherapy and counseling, and can help in many areas of life including family, career, finances, relationships, living environment, health, and spirituality. Coaching can help improve coping skills, communication skills, social skills, parenting skills, relaxation and stress management skills, anger management, and other skills. Coaching is helpful for setting and achieving short and long-term goals.


Sometimes, it is too difficult to get to meet for coaching or counseling services. In these situations, I offer services online, or over the internet and use the video-conferencing tool Skype. I also offer sessions over the phone to help those who cannot fit a regular one-on-one session into their busy schedules. People have found online and phone sessions very helpful to have in between office coaching sessions - for brief check-ins, tips, reminders, support, and encouragement. These methods give individuals the option to work with me, even if they reside far from a mutually convenient location or are very busy with work, family, and life. Also, phone and online services are helpful first steps for those with social anxiety and/or depression to access assistance. We all need a little support or guidance from time to time, especially when we're vulnerable from stress and major life events or changes.


  • Are you going through a tough time with changes in your life?

  • Are you under a lot of stress?

  • Are you having trouble sleeping?

  • Are you in the process of a major life event or transitional period?

  • Has there been a change (positive or negative) in your job? Health? Relationships? Roles? Living situation? Or finances?

  • Are you tense and worried about your future?

  • Are you a parent of a teenager or adolescent who is "getting out of control"?

  • Would your child benefit from learning social skills or having a professional to talk to?

  • Do you suspect that your teen is using drugs or alcohol?

  • Is your child talking back? Defiant or having behavior problems?

  • Is your child anxious, depressed, withdrawn, or school grades have dropped?


Perhaps you're having trouble sleeping or you can't stop the thoughts that run through your mind. You're able to take care of your responsibilities, but you have to put in extra effort to get things done. It's harder to concentrate, and somehow making decisions isn't so easy anymore. Your relationships and work may already be suffering, or you may feel tired, tense, angry, or easily annoyed. If you find yourself arguing with other people more than usual, or you're withdrawing and isolating, it's a good idea to get some help. Supportive counseling is helpful for people who are adjusting or in transition to life events, stressors, or changes in roles or expectations. Some people will have a tough time and then bounce back - other people may need some help to get back on track again.



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